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Plants are our best friend, but sometimes we don’t know about all their specific needs. But Plantcare can be so easy with Plantbuddy! No more dieing houseplants with our watering and fertlizing schedule that always reminds you on time. Simply put your plants in your individual virtual rooms and watch them grow.

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Keeping track of ones menstrual cycle is a very important and often neglected task. With Periodo you can keep a simple diary of your physical and mental systems that come and go with the cycle. The prediction shows you when your next period approximately turns up, so you can have an extra sense of security.

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All the surroundings a bit too much? Tune them out a bit with calming frequencies that help you focus or relax. Noise Color provides you with different versions of white, brown and pink noise, to help you achieve mental relaxation, that improves your overall well-being. Just drown out all the buzz and stress to help your brain calm down.

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